ڪتاب جو نالو | تحقيق جو فن ۽ ان جا اصول |
ليکڪ | ڊاڪٽر عبدالستار دلوي |
سنڌيڪار / ترتيب | ڊاڪٽر ٻلديو مٽلاڻي |
ڇپائيندڙ | سنڌي ٻوليءَ جو بااختيار ادارو |
ISBN | 978-969-625-076-0 |
ڪتاب ڊائونلوڊ ڪريو | PDF (633) E-Pub |
انگ اکر | 3 September 2019 تي اپلوڊ ڪيو ويو | 66633 ڀيرا پڙهيو ويو |
1) Alderm Mortimer J., ‘How to read a Book’, New York, Simon and Schuster, 1940 2) Almach, John C., ‘Research and Thesis Writing’, Boston. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1930 3) Adnerson, Surston, Poole, ‘Thesis and Assignment Writing’, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, Bangalore, Bombay, Calcutta, 1970 4) A.M. Lawin Robinson, ‘Systematic Bibliography’, Clive Bingley London, K.G. Saur Munich, New York, Paris, 1979 5) Best, John W., ‘Research, in Education’, Sixth Printing, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1961 6) Coel, Arthur H. and Bigelow, Ka. IW, ‘A Manual of Thesis Writing’, Eighth Printing, New York, Joh Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1956 7) Dewey John, ‘The quest for Certainty’, London, George Allen and Urwin Ltd., 1930 8) Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. I-XXII, Chiago, William Benton, 1960 9) Gatner, Elliot S.M., and Cordasco, Francesco, ‘Research and Report Writing’, Eighth Printing, New York, Barnes and Boble, Inc., 1960 10) God, Carter V. and Scates, Doughlas E., ‘Methods of Research’, New York, Applition Century-Crafts, Inc. 1954 11) Hall, F.W. ‘A Companion to Classical Tests’, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1913 12) Kartre, S.M., ‘Introduction to Indian Textual Criticism’, Bombay, Karnatak Publishing House, 1941 13) Khandelwal, ‘Research Methodology’ (A Symposium) Sardar Vallabhbhai University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat. 14) Nick Moore, ‘How to do Research’, LA, The Liberary Association, London, 1983 15) Sharma, Prasad Etc., ‘Research Methods in Social Sciences’ 16) University of Oxford, Members of the Faculty of English Language and Literature, ‘Notes on the Presentation of Thesis Literary Subjects’, Second Edition, London, Rupal Hart-Davis, 1958 17) Webster’s New International Dictionary of the English Language, Second Edition, Springfield, Mass. U.S.A.G., & C. Merriam Co., 1948 18) Whitney, Frederick; Lamson, ‘The Elements of Research’, First Indian Edition, Bombay, Asia Publishing House, 1961 19) Williams, Cecil B. and Stevenson, Allan H.A., ‘Research Manual’, First Edition, New York, Harper and Brothers, 1940 Revised Edition, New York, Harper and E. others, 1951.