ڪتاب جو نالو | A Grammar Of The Sindhi Language |
ليکڪ | Captain George Stack |
ڇپائيندڙ | سنڌي ٻوليءَ جو بااختيار ادارو |
ISBN | 978-969-9098-75-8 |
قيمت | 150 روپيا |
ڪتاب ڊائونلوڊ ڪريو | PDF (1733) E-Pub |
انگ اکر | 11 December 2017 تي اپلوڊ ڪيو ويو | 19229 ڀيرا پڙهيو ويو |
In addition to the regular form and use of the Personal Pronouns as already explained, they are in Sindhi often expressed by being affixed to the Nouns, Verbs and Prepositions, with which they are used.
Singular |
Plural |
For the 1st. Perosonal Pronoun. |
मिمِ |
ऊं اُون, सीं سِين, or सूं[1]سُون |
2nd. Ditto. |
इاِ |
व وَ |
3rd. Ditto. |
सि سِ, or आंईآنئِي |
नि نِ, or आंऊं[2] آنئُون |
These have no change for gender, nor in the 3rd Person is there any distinction of affix for the proximate and remote demonstratives; but, as they generally affect the termination of the words to which they are attached, and have many different methods of use, it seems advisable to enter into some detail regarding them[3].
पोर्ह्यतिپورهيتِ S. F. A Workwoman.
Singular |
Plural. |
With 1st Personal Pronoun attached. |
With 2nd Per. Pro. |
3rd. Person. |
2nd Person. |
3rd Person. |
Sing. Nom. |
पोर्ह्य,-तयामि-तिमि پورهيه-تِيام-تِمِ |
पोर्ह्य, त्यइپورهيه- تيئه |
पोर्ह्य,پورهيه त्यसिتِيسَ , तिसिتِسِ |
पोर्ह्यپورهيه , त्यवتۡيَوَ , तिवتِوَ |
पोर्ह्यپورهيه , त्यनिتۡينِ , तिनिتِنِ |
Obl. |
तींتِين, त्यंहिंتِينهِن |
त्यसिتۡيسِ , तिसिتِسِ |
त्यवتۡيَوَ , तिवتِوَ |
तिनिتِنِ |
Plu. Nom. |
त्युमिتِيُمِ |
त्युंइتۡيُنئِه |
त्युसिتۡيُسِ |
त्युवتۡيُنِ |
त्युनिتۡيُنِ |
Obl. |
तिनिमिتِنِمِ |
तिनीं[4]تِنِين |
तिनिसिتِنِسِ |
तिनिवتِنِوَ |
तिनिनिتِنِنِ |
बे॒लीٻيلي S. M. A Servant.
Sing. |
Nom. |
बे॒ल्युमिٻيليُمِ |
बे॒ल्युइٻيليُئِه |
बे॒ल्युसिٻيليُسِ |
बे॒ल्युवٻيليُوَ |
बेल्युनिٻيليُنِ |
Obl. |
बे॒ल्यमिٻيليمِ |
बे॒ल्यइ[5]ٻيليئَه |
Plu. |
Nom. |
Ditto. |
Ditto |
Ditto |
Ditto |
Ditto |
Obl. |
बे॒ल्युनिमिٻيليُنِمِ |
बे॒ल्युनिहिं[6]ٻيليُنِهِن |
बे॒ल्युनिसिٻيليُنِسِ |
बे॒ल्युनिवبيليُنِوَ |
बे॒ल्युनिनिٻيليُنِنِ |
डा॒डी॒ ڏاڏي S. F. A Grandmother.
Singular |
Plural. |
With 1st Personal Pronoun attached. |
With 2nd per. Pro. |
3rd. Person. |
2nd Person. |
3rd Person. |
Sing. Nom. |
डा॒डि॒मि ڏاڏِمِ, डा॒ड॒यमिڏاڏيم |
डा॒डि॒यइڏاڏِيئِه |
डा॒डि॒सि ڏاڏِسِ , डा॒डि॒यसिڏاڏِيسِ |
डा॒डि॒व ڏاڏِوَ, डा॒डि॒यवڏاڏيَوَ |
डा॒डि॒नि ڏاڏِنِ , डा॒डि॒यनिڏاڏِيَنِ |
Obl. |
Ditto. |
Ditto. |
Ditto. |
Ditto. |
Ditto. |
Plu. Nom. |
डा॒डि॒युमिڏاڏِيُمِ |
डा॒डि॒युइڏاڏِيُئِه |
डा॒डि॒युसिڏاڏِيُسِ |
डा॒डि॒युनिवڏاڏِيُنِوَ |
डा॒डि॒युनिनिڏاڏِيُنِنِ |
Obl. |
डा॒ड॒युनिमिڏاڏيُنِمِ |
डा॒डि॒युनीं[7]ڏاڏِيُنِي |
डा॒डि॒युनिसिڏاڏِيُنِسِ |
डा॒डि॒युनिवڏاڏِيُنِوَ |
डा॒डि॒युनिनिڏاڏِيُنِنِ |
पोर्ह्यतिپورهيت S. M. A Workman.
Sing. |
Nom. |
पोर्ह्यतپورهيت , तुम تُم |
पोर्ह्यپورهيه , तुइتُئِه , तँहिँ تنهن |
पोर्ह्य پورهيه, तुसि تُسِ, |
पोर्ह्य پورهيه, तुव تُوَ , |
पोर्ह्य پورهيه, तुनि تُنِ, |
Obl. |
तहिंमिتهِنمِ |
तँहिँتنهن |
तहिंसिتهِنسِ |
ताहिंवتاهِنوَ |
तहिनिتهِنِ |
Plu. |
Nom. |
तमिتمِ |
तइتئِه |
तसिتسِ |
तवتَوَ |
तनिتنِ |
Obl. |
तनिमिتنِمِ |
तनींتنِين |
तनिसिتنِسِ |
तनिवتنِوَ |
तनिनिتنِنِ |
गुरूگُرُو S. M. A Spiritual Guide.
Singular |
Plural. |
With 1st Person. |
With 2nd Per. Pro. |
3rd. Person. |
2nd Person. |
3rd Person. |
Sing. Nom. |
गुरूमि گُرُومِ, |
गुरूइگُرُوءِ |
गुरूसिگُروسِ |
गुरूवگرُووَ |
गुरूनिگُرُونِ |
Obl. |
गुरहिमि گُرهِمِ , गुरमिگُرمِ |
गुरहिگُرهِه |
गुरहिंसिگُرهِنسِ गुरसिگُرسِ |
गुरहिंवگُرهِنوَ |
गुरहिनिگُرهِنِ |
گُرنئِه |
Plu. Nom. |
गुरमिگُرمِ |
गुरउگُرءُ |
गुरसिگُرسِ |
गुरवگُروَ |
गुरनिگُرنِ |
Obl. |
गुरनिमिگُرنِمِ |
गुरनीं[8]گُرنِين |
गुरनिसिگُرنِسِ |
गुरनिवگُرنِوَ |
गुरनिनिگُرنِنِ |
डा॒डो॒ڏاڏو S. M. A Grandfather.
Sing. Nom. |
डा॒डु॒मि ڏاڏُمِ |
डा॒डु॒इڏاڏُءِ |
डा॒डु॒सिڏاڏُسِ |
डा॒डु॒वڏاڏُوَ |
डा॒डु॒निڏاڏُنِ |
Obl. |
डा॒डा॒हिमि ڏاڏاهِمِ, डा॒ड॒मि[9]ڏاڏمِ |
डा॒डि॒हिंڏاڏِهِن |
डा॒ड॒हिंसिڏاڏهِنسِ |
डा॒ड॒हिंवڏاڏهِنوَ |
डा॒ड॒हनिڏاڏهنِ |
Plu. Nom. |
डा॒ड॒मिڏاڏمِ |
डा॒ड॒इڏاڏءِ |
डा॒ड॒सिڏاڏسِ |
डा॒ड॒वڏاڏوَ |
डा॒ड॒निڏاڏنِ |
Obl. |
डा॒ड॒निमिڏاڏنِمِ |
डा॒ड॒नीं[10]ڏاڏنين |
डा॒ड॒निसिڏاڏنِسِ |
डा॒ड॒निवڏاڏنِوَ |
डा॒ड॒निनिڏاڏنِنِ |
जोइ جوءِ, ‘a wife’; which has जोयमि, जोण्हमि جويمِ، جوڻهمِ, or जोण्हिमि جوڻهِمِ, ‘my wife’; जोये جويي, or जोण्हे جوڻهي, ‘thy wife’ &c.
पिउ پِئُه, ‘a father’, makes पिउमिپِئُمِ , पुआमिپُئامِ , पिण्हामि پِڻهامِ, or पिण्हिमि پِڻِهامِ, my father’; पिउइ پِئُئِه, पिआइپِئاءِ or पिण्हे پِڻهي, ‘thy father’.
धिउ ڌيءُ, or धिअ ڌيءَ, ‘a daughter’, धिउमिڌيئُمِ , धियमिڌيامِ , धीणमिڌيڻمِ or , धीणिमि ڌيڻِمِ, ‘my daughter’; धियइڌييئِه or धीणे ڌيڻي, ‘thy daughter.
भाउڀاءُ , ‘a brother’, भाउमि ڀائُمِ, भामि ڀامِ, भाणमिڀاڻمِ or भाणिमिڀاڻِمِ, ‘my brother’; भाइڀاءِ or भाणे ڀاڻي, ‘thy brother’ &c.
नुह نُهه, ‘a daughter in law’, नुहमि نُهمِ, नुहिणमिنُهِڻمِ or , नुहिणिमि نُهِڻِمِ, ‘my daughter-in-law’ &c. नुहु نُهُه, Ditto, has नुहुमिنُهُمِ &c.
पुफी پُڦي, ‘a father’s sister’; पुफ्यमि پُڦيمِ, पुफिणमि پُڦِڻمِ, or पुफिणिमिپُڦِڻِمِ , ‘my father’s sister’ &c.
माउ ماءُ, ‘a mother’, माउमि مائُمِor , मामि مامِ, ‘my mother’; माण्हिमि खे ماڻهِمِ کي, ‘to my mother’ &c.
For the genitive; as, मिटु आंह्यांइँمِٽُ آنهيانءِ (for तुंहुजो मिटु आंह्यां تُنهجو مٽ آنهيان), ‘I am your relative’.
For the dative; as काल्ह मूं ड॒ह रुपया डि॒नसि ڪالهه مون ڏهه رپيا ڏنسِ, (for हुन खे डि॒ना هن کي ڏنا), ‘I yesterday gave 10 Rupees to him’.
For the accusative; as, झलींसि جھلينسِ, हे मारेमि थो هي ماريمِ ٿو, (for हुन खे झलि, हे मूं खे मारे थो هن کي جھلِ، هي مون کي ماري ٿو), ‘Seize him, he beats me’.
For the ablative, with खां کان, &c. ‘from’; as सुभाणे वञिजि तूं सराफ वटि, अँउँ रुपया वठी अचिजांसि سُڀاڻي وڃِجِ تون صراف وٽِ، انئُه رپيا وٺي اچِجانسِ, (for हुन खां वठी अचिजि هن کان وٺي اچِجِ), ‘Go tomorrow to the banker, and bring the money from him’; डुकोڊُڪو , चोरु वञेव थो چورُ وڃيوَ ٿو, (for तव्हां खां वञे थो توهان کان وڃي ٿو), ‘Run, the thief is getting away from you’; يوَ चोरु तव्हां खे डि॒सी थो ड॒केव چورُ توهان کي ڏسي ٿو ڏڪ, (for तहां खां थो ड॒के تهان کان ٿو ڏڪي), ‘The thief seeing you, trembles at you.’
For the pronoun with वटि وٽِ, ‘near’, ‘with’; as घिउ अथसि گِهئُه اٿسِ(for हुन वटि आहे هُن وٽ آهي)? ‘Has he any ghee?’
With मेँ ۾ or मंझि منجھِه, ‘in’; as, डि॒ओ थो विसामेڏيو ٿو وِسامي , तेलु विझींसि تيلُ وِجھينسِ, (for हुन मेँ विझु هُن ۾ وجھُه), ‘The lamp is going out, put oil in it.’
With सां سان, or साणु ساڻُ, ‘with’; as, अजो॒की राति गडि॒जी सुम्हींसि اڄوڪي راتِ گڏجي سُمهينسِ(for हुन सां गडि॒जी सुम्हु هن سان گڏجي سُمهُه), ‘Sleep with him to night’.
With ते تي, or उते اُتي, ‘on’; as छो थो पाणी विझींमि ڇو ٿو پاڻي وِجھينمِ(for मूं ते विझीं مون تي وِجھين)? ‘Why do you throw the water on me?’
With डे॒ ڏي, ‘towards’; as, हुन घणी देरि लाती आहे; तूं वञींसि, कोठे अचींसि هن گھڻي ديرِ لاتي آهي، تون وڃينسِ، ڪوٺي اچينسِ, (for हुन डे॒ वञुهُن ڏي وڃُ ) , ‘He has made great delay; go thou to him, and call him.’
With वास्ते واسطي, &c. ‘for’; as, आं वेठो हुंदोसांइँ, तूं अचिजि آن ويٺو هوندوسانئِه تون اچجِ, (for तुंहजे वास्ते वेठो हूंदुसि تُنهجي واسطي ويٺو هوندُسِ), ‘I shall remain waiting for you, so come.’
For the agent case with the past tenses of active verbs; as, घणा भेरा चिओमांसि, पर न मञांईँ گھڻا ڀيرا چِئومانسِ، پر نه مڃانئين, ‘I told him several times, but he did not attend.’ Here मञांईं مڃانئين stands for हुन मञ्यो هن مڃيو, and चिओमांसि چِئومانسِ, for मूं हुन खे चिओ مون هن کي چيئو. in the latter, both agent and object are affixed. Also मानी खाधीमांइ ماني کاڌيمانئِه, (for मूं तुंहुंजी मानी खाधी مون تنهنجي ماني کاڌي), ‘I have eaten your bread’; ही शइ वर्तमि هي شيءِ ورتمِ, (for हुन मूं खां वर्ती هن مون کان ورتي), ‘He took this thing from me’.
AUXILIARY VERB हुअणुهُئڻُ ‘to be’, ‘to exist’. Indicative mood, Present Tense, आंह्यां آنهيان, ‘I am’, &c. with the three personal pronouns in both numbers affixed to each of its persons. |
Persons of the Verb. |
Singular |
With 1st personal Pronoun attached. |
With 2nd. Personal Pronoun. |
With 3rd Personal Pronouns. |
Singular. |
1. |
*[11] |
आंह्यांइँآهيانئِه |
आंह्यांसिآهيانسِ |
2. |
आंहींमिآنهِينمِ |
आंहींसिآهينسِ |
3. |
आहेमिآهيمِ |
आहेईآهيئي |
आहेसिآهيس |
अथमिاٿمِ |
अथेईاٿيئي |
अथसिاٿس |
Plural. |
1. |
आंह्यंइंآهيوئن |
आंह्यूंसिآنهيونس |
2. |
आह्योमिآهيومِ |
आह्योसिآهيوس |
3. |
आंहिनिमिآنهِنِمِ |
आंहिनींآهنين |
आंहिनिसिآهنِسِ |
अथमिاٿمِ |
अथेईاٿيئي |
अथसिاٿس |
Preterite Masculine होसिهوسِ , &c. with pronouns affixed
Singular. |
Plural. |
Personal of the verb. |
With 1st Personal Pronoun |
With 2nd Personal Pronoun. |
With 3rd Personal Pronoun |
With 1st Personal Pronoun |
With 2nd Personal Pronoun |
With 2nd Personal Pronoun |
Sing. |
1. |
होसां-इँ هوسان- ئِن |
सिسِ |
वوَ |
निنِ |
2. |
हुए-मि هُئي- مِ |
सिسِ |
ऊंئُون |
निنِ |
3. |
हो-मि هو- مِ |
इاِ |
सिسِ |
निنِ |
Plu. |
1. |
हुआ-सुइँ هُئا- سُنئِه |
सूंसि سُونسِ |
सूंवسُونوَ |
सूनिسُونِ |
2. |
हुओ-मि هُئومِ, हो-मिهو- مِ |
सि سِ, सिسِ |
सूं سُون, सूंسُون |
नि निنِ نِ |
3. |
हु-अमिهُهُ- ئَمِ |
अइئَئِه |
असिئَسِ |
आसूंآسُون |
अवاَوَ |
अनिئَنِ |
The Preterite Feminine हुयसि هُيَس, &c. with pronouns affixed.
Singular |
1. |
हुईसां-इँ هُئيسائِن (هئسانءِ) |
सिسِ |
वوَ |
निنِ |
2. |
हुं-यमि هُنيَمِ (هنيمِ) |
यसिيَسِ |
ईसूं ئِيسُون
यनिينِ |
3. |
हु-यमि هُهيمِ (هُيَمِ) |
यइيَئِه |
यसिيسِ |
ईसूं ئِيسُون |
यवيَوَ |
यनिينِ |
Plural. |
1. |
हुंयूंसूं-इँهُنيُونسُوئِن |
सिسِ |
वوَ |
निنِ |
2. |
हुंयुं-मि هُنيُن- مِ (هُنييمِ), हुंयूंमि هُنيُون-مِ(هنيونِم) |
सि سِ, सिسِ |
सूं سُون, सूंسُون |
नि نِ, नि نِ |
3. |
हुं-युंमि هُن- يَمِ (هُنيَمِ) |
युंइيُنئِه |
यसिيَسِ |
यूंसींيُونسين |
युंवيُنوَ |
युनिيُنِ |
The Future Masculine हूंदुसि هُوندُسِ, &c. with pronouns affixed.
Singular. |
Plural. |
Personal of the verb. |
With 1st Personal Pronoun |
With 2nd Personal Pronoun |
With 3rd Personal Pronoun |
With 1st Personal Pronoun |
With 2nd Personal Pronoun |
With 2nd Personal Pronoun |
Singular |
1. |
हूंदोसां-इँ هوندوسان- ئِن (هوندوسانءِ) |
सिسِ |
वوَ |
निنِ |
2. |
हूंदे-मि هوندي- مِ (هوندٖيمِ) |
सिسِ |
ऊंئُون |
निنِ |
3. |
हूं-दुमि هُون- دُمِ (هُوندُمِ) |
दुइ[12]دُءِ |
दुसिدُسِ |
दोसीं دوسين |
दुव[13]دُوَ |
निنِ |
Plural |
1. |
हूंदासूंइँهونداسُونئِن (هُونداسونءِ) |
सिسِ |
वوَ |
सूनिسُونِ |
2. |
हूंदो-सि هوندو- سِ(هُوندوسِ) |
सिسِ |
सीं[14]سِين |
निنِ |
3. |
हूं-दमि هوندمِ |
दइدءِ |
दसिدسِ |
दासींداسين |
दवدوَ |
दनिدنِ |
The Future Feminine, हूंद्यसिهونديَسِ &c. with pronouns affixed.
Sing. |
1. |
हूंदीसांइهونديسانءِ |
सिسِ |
वوَ |
निنِ |
2. |
हूंद्यमि هونديمِ |
सिسِ |
ऊं ئُون, or सूं سُون |
निنِ |
3. |
हूंद्यमि هون-ديَمِ (هُونديمِ) |
द्यइديئِه |
द्यसि ديَسِ |
दीसूं ديسُون |
द्यव ديَوَ |
द्यनि ديَنِ |
Plural. |
1. |
हूंद्यूंसूंइهونديونسنءِ |
सिسِ |
वوَ |
निنِ |
2. |
हूं-द्यूंमि هون- ديومِ |
सिسِ |
सूंسُون |
निنِ |
3. |
हूं-द्युमि هون- ديُمِ (هونديُمِ) |
द्युइديُئِه |
द्युसि ديُسِ |
द्यूंसीं ديُوسين |
द्युव ديُوَ |
द्यनि ديُنِ |
Potential Mood, Present Tense, हुआं هُئان, &c. with pronouns affixed.
Singular. |
Plural. |
Persons of the verb. |
With 1st Personal Pronoun |
With 2nd Personal Pronoun |
With 3rd Personal Pronoun |
With 1st Personal Pronoun |
With 2nd Personal Pronoun |
With 2nd Personal Pronoun |
Singular. |
1. |
होसां-इँ هوسان- ئِن |
सिسِ |
व وَ |
नि نِ |
2. |
हुंई-मि[15] هُنئي- مِ (هُنيِمِ) |
सिسِ |
ऊं ئُون |
नि نِ |
3. |
हुए-मि هُئي- مِ (هئيم) |
ईئي |
सिسِ |
ऊं ئُون |
व وَ |
नि نِ |
Plural. |
1. |
हूं-इ هُون- ئي |
सिسِ |
व وَ |
सूनि سُونِ |
2. |
हो-मि هو- مِ, हुओ-मि هُئو- مِ |
सि سِ, सिسِ |
ऊं ئُون, ऊं ئُون |
नि نِ नि نِ |
3. |
हुअ-निमि هُئَ- نِمِ |
नींنِين |
निنِ सिسِ |
न्यूं نيوُن [16] |
निवنِوَ |
निनि نِنِ |
With मूंمون |
With तोتو |
With हुनهُن |
With असांاسان |
With तहांتهان |
With हुननिهُننِ |
मार्युमिماريُمِ |
मार्युइ[17]ماريُئِه |
मार्यांईंماريانئِين |
मार्योसींماريوسين |
मार्युव[18]ماريُوَ |
मार्याऊंماريائُون |
मारी ماري, (agreeing with its object in the feminine singular) with the personal pronouns as agents attached.
मार्यमिماريَمِ |
मार्यइ[19]ماريئِه |
मार्यांईंماريانئين |
मारीसींماريسين |
मार्यवماريوَ |
मार्याऊंماريائون |
मार्या ماريا, (agreeing with its object in the masculine plural) with pronouns attached as above.
मार्यमिماريَمِ |
मार्यइماريَئِه |
मार्यांईماريانئين |
मार्यासींمارياسين |
मार्यवماريوَ |
मार्यांऊंماريانئون |
मार्यूं ماريون, (agreeing with its object in the feminine plural) with pronouns attached as above.
मार्युंमिماريُنمِ |
मार्युंइंماريُنئِن |
मार्यांईंماريانئين |
मार्यूंसींماريونسين |
मार्युंवمرايُنوَ |
मार्यांऊंماريانئُون |
101.The pronoun, used as the object to the verb, is attached to the different genders and numbers of the preterite in the same manner as given above for the agent, except in the 3rd persons singular and plural, which have another form: thus, with डि॒ना ڏِنا, ‘He gave’.
डि॒नुसि ڏِنُسِ for हुन खे डि॒नो هُن کي ڏِنو |
डि॒नसि ڏِنسِ for हुन खे डि॒ना هُن کي ڏِنا |
डि॒न्यसि ڏنيَسِ for हुन खे डि॒नी هُن کي ڏني |
डि॒न्युसि ڏنيُسِ for हुन खे डि॒न्युं هُن کي ڏنيُون |
And for the plural pronoun हुननि खे هنن کي, the final सि سِ, becomes नि نِ. The pronoun here attached, may stand also for any other case except the agent, as मूं बा॒न्ही मारे विध्यसि مون ٻانهي ماري وِڌيَسِ, (for हुन जी बा॒न्ही मारे विधी هن جي ٻانهي ماري وڌي), ‘I killed his slave girl’.
102.The Past Tenses of Active Verbs in some of their persons, often have both the agent and object, where personal pronouns stand for these, affixed to them, the object being placed last; thus:
मार्योमां-इँماريو مان- ئِن (ماريومانءِ) for मूं तो खे[20] मार्योمون تو کي ماريو |
मार्योसूं-इँماريوسون- ئِن (ماريوسونءِ) for असां तो खे मार्योاسان توکي |
सिسِ for मूं हुन खे مون هن کي |
सिسِ for असां हुन खेاسان هن کي |
व وَ for मूं तहां खेمون تهان کي |
वوَ for असां तहां खेاسان تهان کي |
निنِ for मूं हुननि खेمون هنن کي |
निنِ for असां हुननि खेاسان هُنن کي |
मार्या-मि[21] ماريا-مِfor हुन मूं खेهن مون کي |
मार्योसूं-मार्याऊं-मिماريوسون- ماريائون- مِ for हुननि मूं खेهنن مون کي |
मार्या-इँماريان- ئِن for हुन तो खेهن تو کي |
इँئِن for हुननि तो खेهنن تو کي |
मार्या-सिماريا- سِ for हुन हुन खेهن هن کي |
सिسِ for हुननि हुन खेهنن هن کي |
मार्या-वماريا- وَ for हुन तहां खेهن توهان کي |
वوَ for हुननि तहां खेهنن تهان کي |
मार्या-निماريا- نِ for हुन हुननि खेهن هنن کي |
निنِ for हुननि हुननि खे[22]هنن هنن کي |
103.With the compound Preterite and Pluperfect, the pronouns are affixed to the auxiliaries आहेآهي , and होهو ; as:
हुन खे मार्यो अथमि[23] هن کي ماريو اٿمِfor मूं हुन खे मार्यो आहे مون هن کي ماريو آ هي . |
मूं खे मार्यो हुआंई مون کي ماريون هئائينfor हुन मूं खे मार्यो होهن مون کي ماريو هو. |
And with both agent and object attached; thus:
डि॒नो अथीमांइँڏنو اٿيمانئِن for मूं तो खे डि॒नो आहेمون تو کي ڏنو آهي |
डि॒नी अथेईमि ڏني اٿيئِيمِfor तो मूं खे डि॒नी आहे تو مون کي ڏني آهي |
डि॒नो होमांसिڏنو هو مانسِ for मूं हुन खे डि॒नो होمون هن کي ڏنو هو |
डि॒नी हुईमांसिڏني هئي مانسِ for मूं हुन खे डि॒नी हुईمون هن کي ڏني هئي |
डि॒ना हुआंऊंवڏنا هئائونوَ for हुननि अहां खे डि॒ना हुआهنن اهان کي ڏنا هئا |
डि॒नो हुआंईमिڏنو هئانئِيمِ for हुन मूं खे डि॒नो होهن مون کي ڏنو هو |
And so on with the other persons.
To the 2nd Imperative they are attached thus:
मार्जा-मिمارجا- مِ for मूं खे मारिजिمون کي مارِجِ |
मार्जो-मिمارجو- مِ for मूं खे मारिजोمون کي مارجو |
सिسِ for हुन खे هن کي |
सिمسِ for हुन खे هُن کي |
ऊंئُون for असां खेاسان کي |
ऊंئُون for असां खेاسان کي |
निنِ for हुननि खेهُننِ کي |
निنِ for हुननि खेهُننِ کي |
Affixed to साणुساڻُ ‘with’
साणु-मिساڻُ- مِ for मूं साणु مُون ساڻُ |
साणु-हूंساڻ- هُون for असां साणुاسان ساڻُ |
साणु-इساڻُ- ئِه for तो साणुتو ساڻُ |
साणु-वساڻُ- وَ for तहां साणुتهان ساڻُ |
साणु-सिساڻُ- سِ for हुन साणुهُن ساڻُ |
साणु-निساڻُ- نِ for हुननि साणुهُننِ ساڻُ |
Affixed to खे کي, ‘to’
खेसिکيسِ for हुन खेهُن کي |
खेनिکينِ for हुननि खेهُننِ کي . |
Affixed to उते اُتي, ‘upon’.
उतिसिاُتِسِ |
for हुन उतेهُن اُتي |
उतिनि اُتِنِ |
for हुननि उतेهُننِ اُتي |
उतिहिसिاُتِهِسِ |
उतिहिनिاُتِهِنِ |
Affixed to खां کان, ‘from’
खांसिکانسِ |
for हुन खांهُن کان |
खांनिکانِ |
for हुननि खांهُننِ کان |
खांउंसिکانئُنسِ |
खांउंनिکانئُننِ |
Affixed to declinable preposition संदो سندو, ‘of’
संदुसिسندُسِ |
for हुन संदो[25] هُن سندو |
संदसिسندسِ |
for हुन संदो هُن سندو |
संद्युसिسنديُسِ |
for हुन संदी هُن سندِي |
संद्यसिسنديَسِ |
for हुन संदिअهن سندِيءَ |
संदसिسندسِ |
for हुन संदा هُن سندا |
संदनिसिسندنِسِ |
for हुन संदनिهنُ سندنِ |
संद्युसिسنديُسِ |
for हुन संद्यूं هُن سنديُون |
संद्युनिसिسنديُنِسِ |
for हुन संद्युमिهُن سنديُمِ |
[1] सींسِين and सूंسُون are used indiscriminately. In the examples which follow where only one is given, the other must be considered as also allowable. सींسِين , too, is by north country people often made सेंسين .
[2] आंईंآنئين , and आंऊंآنئون , are only found with the preterites of active verbs.
[3] This custom of affixing the Presonal Pronouns seems to haves sprung from the Arabic. It is also found in the Persian, but the learner will see how much more copiously in Sindhi than in either of those tongues. There is scarcely a sentence a Sindhi speaks, in which one or more of the Pronouns are not so affixed, and it is therefore advisable that much attention should be paid to this point. At the same time I would not advise the learner to labor much over the following tables in trying to commit them to memory. It will be quite enough to ascertain from them the correct manner of affixing the pronouns. Attention to conversation, and practice in speaking, will gradually make him skilful in using them.
[4] Or by some, पोर्ह्यतिन्युँइ پورهيتِنيُن.
[5] Or by some, बे॒ल्यहिं ٻيليَهِن
[6] or by some, बे॒ल्युन्युँइ ٻيليُنيُنئِه
[7] Or by some, डा॒डि॒युनिहिं ڏاڏِيُنِهِن.
[8] Or by some, गुरनिहिं گُرنِهِن.
[9] The People to the north of Sindh generally use इ for अ اَ, in the penultimate syllable; saying, डा॒डि॒म ڏاڏِمِ, डा॒डि॒सिڏاڏِسِ &c.
[10] or by some, डा॒ड॒निहिं ڏاڏنِهِن.
[11] Where blanks are left, they are wanting. It will be found always so where the Pronoun would refer to the nominative case to the verb, or in other words where पाणپاڻ , ‘self’ would be used for the object. See before note to Para. 88.
[12] हूंदें هوندين, too, is sometimes used.
[13] Or हूंदउसीं هوندئُسِين .
[14] हूंदां هوندان, too, is sometimes used.
[15] Or by some , हुंएंमि هُنئينمِ, हुंएंसि هُنئينسِ, &c.
[16] by some हुअनूं هُئنُون.
[17] or sometimes मार्यै ماريي.
[18] or sometimes मार्यां ماريان.
[19] or मार्ये ماريي.
[20] These may stand also for any other case; thus, घरु ग॒हु रख्योमांसि, सो वराए डि॒ए न थोگھر ڳهه رکيومانسِ، سو ورائي ڏِئي نه ٿو , (for मूं हुन वटि रख्योمون هن وٽ رکيو), ‘I mortgaged the house to him, but he will not give it back’.
[21] Also मार्योईंमिماريوئِنمِ , मार्योईंसिماريوئِنسِ, मार्योईंवماريوئِنوَ , and मार्योईंनिماريوئِننِ.
[22] A change in the gender, or number of the verb, causes no alteration from the form given above, where the agent pronoun attached is of the 3rd Person; but when of the others, it changes regularly with the gender and number. Thus, डि॒नीमांइँڏنِيمانئِن for मूं तो खेمون تو کي &c. डि॒नीڏني , डि॒नामांइँڏِنامانئِن for मूं तो खे डि॒ना مون تو کي ڏِنا, and डि॒न्यूंमांइँڏِنيُونمانئِن for मूं तो खे डि॒न्यूं مون تو کي ڏِنيُون, and so with other Pronouns, merely altering the sign for the different persons.
[23] In the 1st & 2nd Person, these are the same as given above in Para. 98, and with the compound preterite the 3rd Person as agent is also the same; but with the pluperfect it takes the form here given, हुआईं هُئائين, and हुआंऊं هُئائُون.
[24] Or by some मारेंसि مارينسِ, and लिंबेंसि لِنبينسِ.
[25] except in poetry, संदोسندو , is rarely used with a noun, or with a pronoun other than affixed as above. For the declension and use of this Preposition, See para. 166.
[26] Some do not shorten the final long vowel, saying संदोनि سندونِ, not संदुनि سندُنِ, for हुननि संदो هُننِ سندو, ‘of them’. So also in the verbs, they use हूंदामि هوندامِ, not हूंदमि هُوندمِ, for मूं खे हूंदा مون کي هُوندا, गडि॒यासि گڏياسِ, not गडि॒यसि گڏيسِ, ‘they met him’, विधोइ وِڌوءِ, not विधुइ وِڌُءِ, for तो विधो تو وِڌو, ‘thou cast’; &c.