ڪتاب جو نالو | A Grammar Of The Sindhi Language |
ليکڪ | Captain George Stack |
ڇپائيندڙ | سنڌي ٻوليءَ جو بااختيار ادارو |
ISBN | 978-969-9098-75-8 |
قيمت | 150 روپيا |
ڪتاب ڊائونلوڊ ڪريو | PDF (1733) E-Pub |
انگ اکر | 11 December 2017 تي اپلوڊ ڪيو ويو | 19231 ڀيرا پڙهيو ويو |
The personal pronouns are, आं آن, आंऊँ آنئُون, or माँ مان, ‘I’.
Singular. |
Plural. |
Nom. |
आंآن , आंउँآنئُون or मां[1] مان |
असींاسِين |
Gen. |
असा जो[4] اسان جوof us, our. |
Dat. |
मूं खे مون کي, or मां खे مان کيto me. |
असां खे اسان کيto us. |
Acc. |
मूं खे مون کي, or मां खे مان کيme. |
असां खेاسان کي us. |
Obl. |
मूं खां مون کان, or मां खां مان کانfrom me. |
असां खांاسان کان from us. |
Agent. |
मूं مون, or मां مانby me. |
असां اسانby us. |
77. तूंتُون ‘Thou’. |
Nom. |
तूंتُون , thou. |
तव्हीं توهِين, तहीं تهِين, अव्हीं اوهِين, अव्हे اوهٖين, अहीं اهِين, आंई آنئِي, अँइँاَنئِن |
Gen. |
तुंहुजो[5] تُنهُنجو, of thee, thy &c. |
तव्हां जोتوهان جو , तहां जोتهان جو , अव्हां जोاوهان جو , अहां जोاهان جو , आं जोآن جو |
Dat. |
तो खेتو کي |
तव्हां-तहां توهان-تهان, &c. खेکي |
Acc. |
तो खेتو کي |
तव्हां-तहां توهان- تهان, &c. खेکي |
Abl. |
तो खांتو کان |
तव्हां-तहां توهان- تهان, &c. खांکان |
Agent. |
तो تو |
तव्हांتوهان , तहांتهان , अव्हांتوهان , अहांتهان , आं آن. |
ही هِي, हे هي, हिउ[6]هِئُه ‘He’, ‘she’, ‘it’, ‘this’.
77. तूंتُون ‘Thou’. |
Nom. |
ही هِي, हे هي, हिउ هئُه fem. ही, हिअ هِي، هِئَه. |
ही هي, हे هي. |
Gen. |
हिन जो هِن جو, |
हिननि जो هِننِ کي, हिनि जोهِنن جو. |
Dat. |
हिन खे هِن کي. |
हिननि खे هِننِ کي. |
Acc. |
हिन खेهِن کي or same as nominative. |
हिननि खेهِننِ کي &c. or same as nominative |
Abl. |
हिन खां هِن کان. |
हिननि खांهِننِ کان &c. |
Agent. |
हिन هِن |
हिननिهِننِ , हिनि هِننِ. |
हू هُو, हो هو, ‘we’[7], ‘she’, ‘it’, ‘that’
Nom. |
हू هُو, हो هو, fem. हूهُو , हूअ هُوءَ. |
हू هُو, होهو. |
Obl. |
हुन هُن |
हुननिهُنن , हुनिهُنِ |
इहो[8] اِهو‘This Very’.
Nom. |
इहो[9] اِهوfem. इहा اِها. |
इहेاِهي |
Abl. |
इन्हे اِنهي, इन्हिअ اِنهيءَ, इनिहاِنِهه |
इन्हनि اِنهنِ, इन्हिनिاِنهِنِ |
उहो[10] اُهو‘that very’, ‘the same’.
उहेاُهي |
उहोاُهو fem. उहा اُها. |
Nom. |
उन्हनिاُنهنِ , उन्हिनिاُنهِنِ |
उन्हेاُنهي , उन्हिअ اُنهيءَ, इनिहاِنهي . |
Obl. |
जो جو, ‘who’, ‘what’.
Singular. |
Plural |
Nom. |
जोجو , fem. जा جا. |
जेجي |
Obl. |
जँहिँجِنۡهِنۡ |
जिनिجِنِ , जनिجنِ , जिनिनिجِنِنِ , जिन्हिनि[11]جِنهِنِ |
सो[12] سو‘that’, ‘he’.
Nom. |
सोسو , fem. साسا . |
सेسي |
Obl. |
तँहिँتنهن . |
तिनि تِنِ, तनिتنِ , तिनिनि تِنِنِ, तिन्हिनि[13]تِنهِنِ |
केरु ڪيرُ, ‘who’, ‘what’.
Singular. |
Plural |
Nom. |
केरु ڪيرُ, fem. केरڪير . |
केरिڪيرِ . |
Obl. |
कँहिँ ڪنهِن. |
किनिڪِنِ , कनिڪنِ , किनिनिڪِنِنِ , किन्हिनि[14]ڪِنهِنِ |
केहरो[15]ڪيهرو ‘what’, ‘which’.
Mas. |
Fem. |
Mas. |
Fem. |
Nom. |
केहरोڪيهرو |
केहरीڪيهرِي |
केहराڪيهرا |
केहर्यूڪيهريُون |
Obl. |
केहरेڪيهري |
केहरिअڪيهرِيءَ |
केहरनिڪيهرنِ |
केहरिनिڪيهرِنِ केहर्यनिڪيهرينِ, केहर्युनि ڪيهريُنِ. |
किहड़ोڪِهڙو , ‘What kind of’, and कुजा॒ड़ो[16] ڪُڄاڙو, ‘what’, are declined after the same manner as केहरो ڪيهرو.
छा[17] ڇا‘what, has no change for gender, number or case.
कोहु ڪوهُه‘what’, ‘why’, is also indeclinable.
को ڪو‘any one’, ‘some one’.
केڪي . |
को[18] ڪو, fem. काڪا . |
Nom. |
कनिڪنِ |
कँहिँ ڪنهن. |
Obl. |
जेको جيڪو‘whoever’.
जेकोجيڪو |
जेकोجيڪو , fem. जेका[19]جيڪا |
Nom. |
जिनि किनि جِنِ ڪِنِ |
जँहिँ कँहिँجنهن ڪنهن |
Obl. |
जेकोको جيڪوڪو, ‘whoever’, ‘whosever’.
Nom. |
जेकोको جيڪوڪو, fem. जेकाका جيڪاڪا. |
जेकेकेجيڪي ڪي . |
Obl. |
Not used. |
की ڪِي, ‘something’, ‘somewhat’ , and जेकी جيڪِي, or जेकीकी جيڪِيڪِي, ‘whatever’, are indeclinable.[20]
फलाणो ڦلاڻو |
Such a one |
हिकिड़ो هڪِڙو |
One |
बि॒ओٻئو |
Another |
थोरोٿورو |
Few, some |
पराओپرائو |
Another’s |
सभु[24]سڀُ |
Whole, all |
धार्योڌاريو |
सभोईسڀوئي |
साग॒योساڳيو |
मिड़्योईمِڙيوئِي |
Singular. |
Plural. |
Nom. |
Abl. |
Nom. |
Abl. |
Mas. |
सभोईسڀوئي |
सभेइअسڀيئيءَ |
सभेईسڀيئي |
सभिनींسڀِنِين |
Fem. |
सभाईسڀائِي |
सभाइअسڀائئَه |
सभेईسڀيئِي |
सभिनींسڀِنِين |
And मिड़्योईمِڙيوئي after the same manner.
[1] Used with its singular inflections as given, मँहिजोمنهِجو , मां खेمان کي &c. chiefly by Shikarpuris.
[2] Or by some मुंहिजोمُنهِجو and मूं जोمون جو . For the declensions use of जोجو See Para. 166.
[3] Our Possessive Pronouns are expressed, as in Hindustani, by the genitive of the Personal Pronouns.
[4] असांहि जो-खेاسان جو- کي &c. are also used.
[5] Or by some तुंहिजोتُنهِجو and तो जोتو جو .
[6] ईاِي , एاٖي and इउاِئُه , are also used, chiefly in Lar; as, too ऊاُو and ओاو , for the remote demonstrative. There are inflected throughout as above, the initial हीهِي , and हु هُه, is being merely changed to इاِ and उاُ .
[7] There seems a mistake- this should be ‘he’ instead of ‘we’ (Editor).
[8] Also ईहोاِيهو , and ऊहोاُوهو , and by some इओاِهو and उओاُهو .
[9] With the emphatic ईئِي , इहोईاِهو ئي and उहोईاُهو ئي ‘the very same’, ‘that exact person’.
[10]Also ईहोاِيهو , and ऊहोاُوهو , and by some इओاِهو and उओاُهو .
[11] Also जिननिجِننِ and जिन्हनिجنهنِ .
[12] सोسو is used in the second clause of a sentence, in which the relative जोجو has gone before, as जो आयो, सो विओجي آيو، سو وِيو ‘he has gone who came’; or literally ‘who came, he has gone’; जँहिँ माण्हुअ खे हुन मार्यो, सो मुओجنهن ماڻهُئَه کي هُن ماريو، سو مُئو ‘The man he struck, is dead’. The same construction as regards the relative and its antecedent, is occasionally found in the classics.
“Qui fit, Maecenas, ut nemo, quam sibi sortem
“Seu ratio dederit, seu fors objecerit, illa
“Contentus vivat.” Horace Sat. I. I.
“Urem quam statuo, vestra est. Virg. Aen I. 573.
[13] Also तिननिتِننِ and तिन्हनिتِنهنِ .
[14] also किननिڪِننِ and किन्हनिڪِنهنِ .
[15] किहरोڪِهرو and केर्होڪيرهو and in Lar केओڪيئو , are also in used.
[16] Used in Lar, or the South of Sindh.
[17] छोڇو , छा खांڇا کان , छा काणिڇا ڪاڻِ , छा काणे ڇا ڪاڻي&c. ‘for what’ or ‘why’.
[18] कोईڪوئِي , fem. काईڪائِي , is also used.
[19] जोकोجوڪو (fem, जाकाجاڪا ) is analytically more correct, and is sometimes found, though but rarely.
[20] The Indefinite Pronouns कोڪو and कीڪِي are often in negation reduplicated after the negative, being then frequently redundant after the manner of “at all” in English; as, कोनको आयोڪو نه ڪو آيو , ‘No one has come’, or हू कोनको आयोهو ڪو نه ڪو آيو , ‘he has not come at all’; जाल कानका वेईجال ڪا نه ڪا ويئي ‘no woman has gone at all’; कीनकी अथमिڪِينڪِي اٿمِ ‘I possess nothing whatever’; ही कमु कीनकी कंदुसिهي ڪمُ ڪينڪِي ڪندُسِ ‘I will not do this thing at all’. And where आहेآهي is used, it is generally connected with the negative; thus, कोन्हेकोڪونهي ڪو , कीन्हेकीڪينهيڪي &c.
[21] पाणپاڻ after the manner of the Persian خود and Hindustani آپ, refers to the agent of the principal verb in the sentence, of whatever person it may be, for the repetition of which it would be incorrect to employ any of the personal pronouns; as, आं वँहँजे घरि थो वञांآن ونهنجي گھرِ ٿو وڃان , ‘I am going to my house’; हू वँहँजे घरि थो वञेهُو ونهنجي گھرِ ٿو وڃي ‘He goes to his house’; तूं वञु वँहँजे घरिتُون وڃُ ونهنجي گھرِ , ‘Go you to your house’, or where no agent is immediately expressed, it points out individually or exclusiveness, in contradistinction to what is foreign or another’s; thus, in हे पँहँजे मालु आहेهي پنهنجي مالُ آهي , any of three persons may be referred to, discoverable from some words, or the manner in which the sentence is put; सांईं, पँहँजो घोड़ो आण्यां?سائين، پنهنجو گھوڙو آڻيان؟ ‘Sir, may I bring your horse’ (or ‘our’, as spoken by one of the same household)? In contradistinction to the horse of another person; or ‘my horse’, if speaking of himself.
[22] पां जोپان جو is also used in Lar.
[23] पिंडिپِنڊِ is used in Southern Sindh, and in Cutch. It is declined पिंड जोپِنڊ جو , पिंड खेپِنڊ کي &c.
[24] बि॒ओ ٻئو makes its fem. बी॒ٻِي . सभुٻي has for its nom. fem. and obl. mas. and fem. of the singular number सभسڀ , and for its nom. plural in both genders सभिسڀِ , with the oblique सभिनिسڀِنِ , सभनिسڀنِ , सभिनिनिسڀِنِنِ or सभिननिسڀِنن ِ. These last may, when the noun is expressed, be contracted to सभिسڀِ , सभोईسڀوئِي is declined thus:-