ڪتاب جو نالو | A Grammar Of The Sindhi Language |
ليکڪ | Captain George Stack |
ڇپائيندڙ | سنڌي ٻوليءَ جو بااختيار ادارو |
ISBN | 978-969-9098-75-8 |
قيمت | 150 روپيا |
ڪتاب ڊائونلوڊ ڪريو | PDF (1733) E-Pub |
انگ اکر | 11 December 2017 تي اپلوڊ ڪيو ويو | 19228 ڀيرا پڙهيو ويو |
Adjectives have Gender, Number, and Case and agree in these with the Substantives to which they relate[1]. They possess also the same variations in inflection as substantives, and may be divided into seven declenstions, corresponding with those declensions of substantives that have the same terminations.
To be inflected, as आंउं तुंहिजे आहिर आंह्यां آنئُون تُنهِجي آهِر آنهيان, ‘I am in subjection to you (or your servant)’; हो हिन जाल जे वसि आहे هو هِن جال جي وسِ آهي, ‘He is in love with (or enamoured of) that woman’; हिउ माड़्हूं मीर जिअ साम आहे هيءُ ماڙهُون مِير جيءَ سام آهي, ‘This person is under the protection of the Meer.’
Masculine |
Declension. |
Singular. |
plural |
Nom. |
Obl. |
Voc. |
Nom. |
Obl. |
Voc. |
1 |
अاَ |
अ اَ |
अاَ |
अاَ |
अनिاَنِ |
ओاو or अउئَو |
2 |
आآ |
आآ |
आآ |
आآ |
आंउनिآنئُنِ |
आओآئو |
3 |
इاِ |
इاِ |
इاِ |
इاِ |
इनिئِنِ |
या يو |
4 |
ईاِي |
इअاِءَ |
ईاِي |
ईاِي |
युनिيُنِ |
इओئِئو , इआئِئا |
5 |
उاُ |
अاَ |
अاَ |
अاَ |
अनिئنِ |
ओئو |
6 |
ऊاُو |
उअاُءَ |
ऊاُو |
ऊاُو |
उनिئُنِ |
उओاُئو |
7 |
ओ[2]او |
एاٖي |
आآ |
आآ |
अनिئَنِ |
अउاَءُ , ओئو , आئا |
Feminine. |
Declension. |
Singular. |
plural |
Nom. |
Obl. |
Voc. |
Nom. |
Obl. |
Voc. |
1 |
अاَ |
अاَ |
अاَ |
अاَ |
उनिاُنِ |
ओاو |
2 |
इاِ |
इاِ |
इاِ |
ऊاُو |
युनिيُنِ |
योيو |
3 |
आآ |
आآ |
आآ |
आंऊंآنئُون |
आंउनिآنئُنِ |
आंऊंآنئُون |
4 |
इاِ |
इاِ |
इاِ |
यूंيُون |
इनिئِن , यनिيَنِ , युनिيُنِ . |
यूंيُون |
5 |
ईاِي |
इअاِءَ |
ईاِي |
यूंيُون |
इनिئِنِ , यनिيَنِ , युनिيُنِ |
यूंيُون |
6 |
इनिاِن |
इनिاِنِ |
इनिاِنِ |
इण्यूंئڻيُون |
इणिनिئِڻِنِ , इण्यनिئِڻينِ , इण्युनिئِڻيُنِ , इनिئِنِ , यनिيَنِ , युनिيُنِ |
इण्यूंئڻيُون |
7 |
इاِ |
इاِ |
इاِ |
यूंيُون |
इणिनि, इण्यनिئِڻيَنِ , इण्युनिئِڻيُنِ |
यूंيُو |
इणि[3]ئِڻِ |
इणिئِڻِ |
इनिئِنِ |
इण्यूंئِڻۡيُون |
उनिئُنِ , उअनिئُئنِ . |
इण्यूंئِڻيُون |
ऊ[4]ئُون |
उअاُءَ |
ऊاُو |
ऊاُو |
इनिئِنِ , यनिيَنِ , युनिيُنِ |
उओئُئو |
ईاِي |
इअاِءَ |
ईاِي |
यूंيُون |
यूंيُون |
सखर سکر , ‘Well’, ‘Good’.
Singular. |
Plural. |
Mas. |
Fem. |
Mas. |
Fem |
Nom. |
सखरسکر |
सखर سکر, सखरिسکرِ |
सखरسکر |
सखरسکر , सखरूंسکرُون |
Obl. |
सखरسکر |
सखरسکر |
सखरनिسکرنِ |
सखरुनिسکرُنِ , सखर्युनिسکريُنِ |
Voc. |
सखरسکر |
सखरسکر |
सखरो-रउسکرو- رَءُ |
सखरोسکرو , सखर्योسکريو |
डा॒ता ڏاتا , ‘Generous’.
Singular. |
Plural. |
Mas. |
Fem. |
Mas. |
Fem |
Nom. |
डा॒ताڏاتا |
डा॒ता ڏاتا |
डा॒ता ڏاتا |
डा॒ताऊंڏاتائُون |
Obl. |
डा॒ताڏاتا |
डा॒ता ڏاتا |
डा॒ताउनिڏاتائُنِ |
डा॒ताउनिڏاتائُن |
Voc. |
डा॒ताڏاتا |
डा॒ता ڏاتا |
डा॒ताओڏاتائو |
डा॒ताऊंڏاتائُون |
चौरसि چورسِ , ‘Square’.
Singular. |
Plural. |
Mas. |
Fem. |
Mas. |
Fem |
Nom. |
चौरसिچورسِ |
चौरसिچورسِ |
चौरसिچورسِ |
चौरस्यूंچورسيُون |
Obl. |
चौरसिچورسِ |
चौरसिچورسِ |
चौरसिनिچورسِنِ |
चौरसिनि-स्यनि-स्युनि چورسِنِ- سۡينِ- سۡيُنِ |
Voc. |
चौरसिچورسِ |
चौरसिچورسِ |
चौरस्योچورسيو |
चौरस्यूंچورسيون |
सिंधी سِنڌِي ‘Of Sindh’.
Singular. |
Plural. |
Mas. |
Fem. |
Mas. |
Fem |
Nom. |
सिंधीسِنڌِي |
सिंधीسِنڌِي , सिंधिणि[1]سِنڌِڻِ |
सिंधीسِنڌِي |
सिंध्यूं, سِنڌيُون सिंधिण्यूंسِنڌِڻيُون |
Obl. |
सिंधिअسِنڌِيءَ |
सिंधिअ, सिंधिणि [8]سِنڌِيءَ، سِنڌِڻِ |
सिंधिनि-ध्यनि-ध्युनि سِنڌِنِ- ڌۡينِ- ڌۡيُنِ |
सिंधिनि-ध्यनि-ध्युनि, सिंधिणिनि-ण्यनि-ण्युनि سِنڌِنِ- ڌۡينِ- ڌۡيُنِ، سِنڌِڻِنِ- ڻۡينِ- ڻۡيُنِ |
Voc. |
सिंधीسِنڌِي |
सिंधी, सिंधिनि سِنڌِي، سِنڌِنِ |
सिंधिओ, सिंधिआ سِنڌِيئو، سِنڌِئا |
सिंध्यूं, सिंधिण्यूं سِنڌۡيُون، سِنڌِڻيُون |
गरीबु گرِيبُ , ‘Poor’.
Singular. |
Plural. |
Mas. |
Fem. |
Mas. |
Fem |
Nom. |
गरीबुگرِيبُ |
गरीबि, गरीबिणी[9] گرِيبِ برِيبِڻِي |
गरीब گرِيب |
गरीब्यूं, गरीबिण्यूं گرِيبيُون، گرِيبِڻيُون |
Obl. |
गरीबگرِيب |
गरीबि, गरीबिणिअ گرِيبِ، گرِيبِڻِيءَ |
गरीबनि گرِيبنِ |
गरीबिनि-ब्यनि-ब्युनि, गरीबि-णिनि &c. برِيبِنِ-بۡينِ- بۡيُنِ، گرِيبِ- ڻِنِ |
Voc. |
गरीब گرِيب |
गरिबگرِب |
गरीबो گرِيبو |
गरीब्यूं, गरीबिण्यूं گرِيبيُون، گرِيبِڻ |
शर्माऊ شرمائُو, ‘Modest’
Singular. |
Plural. |
Mas. |
Fem. |
Mas. |
Fem |
Nom. |
शर्माऊشرمائُو |
शरामाऊ[10]شرمائُو |
शर्माऊ شرمائُو |
शर्माऊشرمائُو |
Obl. |
शर्माउअشرمائُوءَ |
शर्माऊअشرمائُوءَ |
शर्माउनि-उअनि شرمائُنِ- ئُئَنِ |
शर्माऊनि-उअनि شرمائُونِ- ئُئَنِ |
Voc. |
शर्माऊشرمائُو |
शर्माऊشرمائُو |
शर्माउओشرمائُئو |
शर्माउओشرمائُئو |
चङो چڱو, ‘Good’
Singular. |
Plural. |
Mas. |
Fem. |
Mas. |
Fem |
Nom. |
चङो چڱو |
चङीچڱِي |
चङाچڱا |
चङ्यूंچڱيُون |
Obl. |
चङेچڱي |
चङिअچڱِيءَ |
चङनिچڱنِ |
चङिनि-ङ्यनि-ङ्युनि چڱِنِ- ڱۡينِ- ڱۡيُنِ |
Voc. |
चङाچڱا |
चङीچڱِي |
चङउ, चङो, चङा چڱئُه، چڱو، چڱا |
चङ्यूंچڱيُون |
60. The adjective in Sindhi has no variation of form for expressing our degrees of Comparison. The Comparative and Superltive are represented by putting the object or objects, with which another is compared, in the oblique, and adding for the Comparative the prepositions खांکان , खोکون , खूंکُون , खँउंکنئُن , आंآن , ओंاون , ऊंاُون or अँउं اَنئُن , which will then have the significations of ‘than’ or for the Superlative any of these prepositions, or also मांمان , मंझांمنجھان , मोंمون , मंझोंمنجھون &c. which according to our idiom should then be translated ‘of’, as हिउ माण्हूं हुन खों चङो आहे هيءُ ماڻهو هُن کون چڱو آهي, ‘This man is better than that’; हिउ माण्हूं सभिनि खां चङो आहे هيءُ ماڻهو سڀِنِ کان چڱو آهي, ‘This man is the best of all.
[1] Should खेکي , however, intervene between the adjective and the noun it qualifies, the adjective remains uninflected; as, बां॒भणनि खे चङो समुझांईंٻانڀڻنِ کي چڱو سمُجھانئِين , ‘He thought the Brahmins good’; शयुनि खे सहांगो डि॒संदो, त गि॒न्हंदोشيُنِ کي سهانگو ڏسندو، ته ڳِنهدو , ‘If he see the things cheap, he will buy’. A discriminative noun, too, placed in the same position, follows the same rule; as, हुननि चइनि खे हिन वाण्यो जा॒तोهُننِ چئنِ کي هِن واڻيو ڄاتو , ‘He thought those four were Hindoos.’ Where several nouns of different genders, joined by a copulative conjunction, are followed by an adjective, the adjective, should the nouns be names of animate objects, takes the plural masculine; if of inanimate, it generally agrees with the last of them.
[2] When this ओاو is preceded by णڻ and occasionally too by other consonants, it is often pronounced as ऊاُو , but the declension of the word remains unchanged.
[3] Also याणी ياڻي and इणीاِڻي, which are inflected throughout as other feminine terminations in ईاِي .
[4] इणिاِڻ too is sometimes met with, as शर्माइणि जालشرمائڻ زال ‘a modest woman’, आसाइणि नींगरिآسائڻِ نينگر ‘a girl full of hopes.’
[5] This यो يو is, however, sometimes written इओاِئو ; as, वँहिओونهِئو . In forming the feminine the short vowel of the penultimate is then absorbed by its corresponding long use.
[6] As also in substantives. See before, Para. 44.
[7] There are but few adjectives in Sindhi ending in आآ , and of those the greater number come under this rule.
[8] Also सिंधिणीسِنڌِڻِي or सिंध्याणीسِنڌياڻِي , which are inflected as other feminines ending in ई.اِي
[9] Also गरीबणिگرِيبڻِ and गरीब्याणीگريبياڻي , which are inflected as other feminines ending in इاِ and ईاِي .
[10] See note to para 49.