Mysticism : in the early nineteenth century poetry of England

ڪتاب جو نالو Mysticism : in the early nineteenth century poetry of England
ليکڪ Prof.Dr.Hotchand Moolchand Gurbaxani
ڇپائيندڙ سنڌي ٻوليءَ جو بااختيار ادارو
ISBN 978-969-625-154-5
قيمت 300    روپيا
ڪتاب ڊائونلوڊ ڪريو  (334) PDF  E-Pub
انگ اکر

23 September 2020    تي اپلوڊ ڪيو ويو    |     8388   ڀيرا پڙهيو ويو


Mysticism is the direct knowledge of God and of the facts of the spiritual world, arising neither through the senses nor the intellect, but through the deliberate introversion of these. It is a universal phenomenon, and though called by different names in different lands, its meaning is the same, its method is the same, and its goal is the same. The same set of ideas, experiences, emotions, and other mental states are apparent in the mystics of the East as in those of the West. There are three main ways by which the mystic claims to apprehend divine things, viz. intellectual inquiry, disinterested action, and selfless love. The fundamental tenets of Mysticism are that God pervades all things through and through and yet transcends them all. The universe and man are an emanation from Him, and thus are not really distinct from Him. The human soul, having had a prenatal existence, does not perish but survives bodily death, and will continue its progress until it is fit enough to be united with the primal fountain of Being.